Services for Business 
development, Sales and 
​Help desk

Services for Business 
development, Sales and Help desk

We have more than 20 years of professional experience in Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
with a recognized track record of success stories in Latin America.

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Tecnological tools for last-mile logistics

We bring our market knowledge, geographic location, and hands-on experience to achieve business objectives, both in sales and service. Reducing the learning curve (tropicalization), increasing proximity to the local customer (better service), and controlling the costs that this implies.
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Knowledge, location and hand-on experience

Market development services:

01. Brand awareness and endorsement

Generate familiarity with the distinctive qualities of the product and brand in the target market, from the position of authority on the subject.

02. Semi-active sales

We process all requests for quotations and demonstrations that we receive as a result of the activities carried out by brand awareness. We negotiate for closing.

03. Webinars

Communicate the advantages, benefits and challenges of adopting technology through descriptive and explanatory content of the brand's products and services (Your brand).

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Direct sales and support services:

01. Dedicated sales resource

It is a person hired by Lastmile Consulting, dedicated entirely to fulfilling the tasks and business objectives of the client (Your brand). These tasks and objectives (monthly, semi-annual and annual) are defined by the client, with feedback and suggestions from Lastmile Consulting.

02. Help desk level 1

It is a resource contracted by Lastmile Consulting, dedicated to remote technical support tasks. Operating as the client's local help desk (Your brand). You will be able to solve questions in Spanish about the usability of the solution.

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Nuestros aliados estratégicos:

Las soluciones más avanzada en el mercado para automatizar y acelerar todo su negocio. Desde cotizar hasta facturar, incluyendo Optimización de Rutas.

Dispatch Science
121 Systems